Gigi Catalin Neculai - Social Media Marketing - Advantages Of Using Social Media Sites

We previously looked at the advantages of using social media sites for social media marketing from the perspective of reaching our target market only. Another advantage of using social media marketing is that it is incredibly cost-effective. Writing and promoting content using Facebook marketing or Twitter marketing is a whole lot cheaper than paying for premium ads from networks like Google Adsense. Buy ad space cheaply on popular social media blogs You may have just recently started a new website and are looking for a way to market your site. Or you could have been in business for a while now and are looking for a way to grow your brand without breaking your budget. This is where you can put the power of social media marketing to work for you. You can buy ad space on a popular social media blog for a fraction of the cost of paying for premium advertising space on Google. Many large social media sites allow sidebar displays and in content ads for as little as $1...