Gigi Catalin Neculai - Five Important On Page SEO Tips

On-page SEO does not have to be as complicated as some people make it out to be. It does not involve any coding or programming as some people believe, especially if you are creating a blog such as WordPress. Let's face it, the search engines have no idea what word you're wanting to rank high for if you don't tell them. We must let the search engines know in several different ways what keywords we're wanting to rank high for. I want to give you 5 very important on-page SEO tips, note that some of these will apply to bloggers more than others, but just be creative and they can be used to boost your search engine rankings for any website. 1- Write a Good Optimized Title You should take some time to give your title a lot of thought, your meta-title is the most important on page SEO factor for the search engines. If you are writing your titles to capture your readers eye and draw them in you are going about this the wrong way. Your focus should be more about t...