Gigi Catalin Neculai - Top 8 Marketing Concept For Small Business Marketing

Over the past decade more and more people are getting fired, getting downsized, or getting fed up with their corporate jobs and embark on the journey as a small business owner. Unfortunately, most of the new small business owners fail to consider their marketing plans or strategy. Many experts like Gigi Catalin Neculai prefer to use social media platforms to enhance their business in less time and in less cost. Except this there are many marketing concept for small business marketing to consider and plan for, but here is our list of Top 8 marketing concept for small business marketing. 1. Consistency : Consistency is the number one marketing concept for small business marketing only because it is left out of marketing concept for so many businesses. I have worked with a long list of clients, big and small, that are extremely inconsistent in all areas of their marketing. Consistency helps lower the cost of marketing and increase the effectiveness ...