Gigi Catalin Neculai - Get More Reach With Social Media Marketing Strategies That Work for You

Your business is probably already on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and all of the other platforms you need to be in order to reach out to your customers. But even so, it doesn't feel like you're gaining the proper traction or posting the proper media to inspire the engagement that you know you need to get. In short, your social media marketing strategies aren't fine tuned and some might even say, non-existent. Finding the Strategies for Your Niche One of the main problems with many company's marketing strategies is that they are applying the same methods as a universal solutions program for their social media team. This means that essentially, they are taking social media marketing strategies that they've heard about and using them "as is" instead of tailoring them to their specific niche or industry. For example, social media marketing strategies for restaurants are going to be very different than social media marketing strateg...